

Tell us about your experiences with Manitou FC by rating the areas below with the following scale:

1 = Poor 2 = Fair 3 = Good 4 = Excellent

Add comments to explain any responses of poor or fair – Include suggestions for improvement!

Clear communication about programs and registration

Timely response and follow up to inquiries

Ease of ordering uniforms

News and information provided on social media sites

Ease of navigating Manitou FC website

Website information accurate and up to date

Accessibility to Club Directors when needed

Variety of supplemental training programs offered by club

Explanation of programs and the benefits of participation

Availability of programs during the winter months

Club attempts to be accommodating with scheduling of programs

Communication with the Team Manager(s)

Team Manager(s) understand their roles

Timely notification of schedule and/or changes

Quality of coaches working with team

Quality of learning environment created by coaches

Clubs’ responsiveness to team or player questions

Confidence in TeamSnap as team’s communication tool

Coaches understanding and delivery of age-appropriate training

Value of experience for your daughter

Value of experience for your son

Awareness of a player development culture in club

High value in respect to the cost of participation

Belief in the direction of Manitou FC

Age group daughter/son plays in

Gender of child

Participation level

Years in MFC

Would you be interested in helping a player or team as a sponsor?

Would you be interested in being a developmental program sponsor?

Would you be interested in being a title sponsor for the club

If you are interested in helping Manitou FC through sponsorship, please send an email with your contact information to and we will follow up to discuss opportunities!

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