Preparing for Tryouts
Preparing for Tryouts
Follow the recommendations below to make sure you are prepared for the tryouts. Remember, failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
- It’s important to be rested and ready to go! Don’t physically overdo it the day before. Get a good night’s sleep.
- Make sure you eat properly the day before and day of the tryouts. Allow enough time to digest your food before the tryouts.
- Tryouts occur during some of the hottest days of the year. Make sure you hydrate throughout the day. Avoid the sun and heat throughout the day if possible.
- If you are recovering from an injury, make sure you are healthy enough to take part. If you need taping, bring enough tape so the athletic trainer can help you. Remember, the athletic trainer will not provide athletic tape.
- You must bring the following to tryouts: 1) Properly inflated soccer ball, 2) Personal water bottle/jug with enough water given potential heat.
- Each player will be provided with a Manitou FC t-shirt at check-in. Please wear appropriate clothing for tryouts. Do not wear shoes that haven’t been broken in.
- Arrive 30 minutes prior to the start time of your age group tryouts for check-in. Obtain player number at check-in to wear during each day of tryouts.