Game Changer Tryout Prep Camp

The Tryout Prep Camp is designed to help individuals prepare for their upcoming club and high school tryouts. Tryout Camp will focus on improving technical ability, in high repetition high intensity setting, that will challenge players to effectively perform skills.
- Four days of high performance training and competition
- Advanced technical skills training at speed
- Speed dribbling and change of direction skills moves
- Improving confidence in 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 situations
- Competitive games
- Elite Coaches Staff
- Fun and inclusive environment where lifelong friends are made
Open to All – We want to share our training with everyone! So whether you are a member of Manitou FC or not you can still participate.

Age Group & Gender: U7 – U17, Boys & Girls
Birth Years: 2017 – 2007
Dates: 7/22, 7/23, 7/24, 7/25
Check in Time: 8:30 – 8:50am
Time: 9:00am – 11:00am
Location: Hanifl Soccer Complex